Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 2 - Seattle and Vancouver Island

Arrived in Seattle airport after flying over magnificent countryside to the south of the city, with houses on the waterfront in lush green surrounds.  At the hotel somewhat jet lagged we managed to stay awake until 8pm, dinner, bed.  Then wide awake at 11pm and then every hour until 5.30am. The alarm on the phone was not working as the time would not change from Melbourne time !
Took the fast catamaran to Victoria on Vancouver Island.  Bad weather slowed the trip by 1 hour but not raining at Victoria and warm sunshine around the waterfront.
Met the other members of the Scenic tour tonight - some nice people so should be in for a pleasant experience.  100% Australians in our group and from all over Australia - about  90 people in total who will be with us for the next 3 weeks.
Tomorrow the tour attends the Butchart Gardens which we have seen previously, and so another day at leisure in Victoria for us.

Just arrived at our Hotel, a novel idea to have a fire at the entrance to welcome the guests.

Hotel over the water on a pier near the departure terminal, nice inside !

Seattle Aquarium on the waterfront 

The catamaran to Victoria.

The needle observation tower in Seattle

Float plane for joy rides in Seattle

Parliament House in Victoria

Our hotel in Victoria - Fairmont Hotel

Tiny tourist boats in Victoria Harbour.  Very cute.

Musician and tourist boat for hire.

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