Saturday, May 2, 2015

Day 12 - Banff

This morning we went on a guided nature walk along a river near the hotel. Very interesting to hear what the Canadians are doing about the climate change issues.  Like Australia, there is less consistent rainfall and then floods or drought causing bush fire problems.  

We saw squirrels cavorting in the pine trees, and the tracks of elk.  The guide showed us many of the bushes from which the Bears eat berries or the new tips of foliage in the early spring after emerging from hibernation.

In the afternoon we took a bus from our castle into the town of Banff, after waiting at the bus stop in heavily falling snow.  Thank goodness for the wind proof jackets which we purchased on Vancouver Island !

The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel where we have enjoyed the last two days.  It was built in the shape of a castle a very, very long time ago.

Look carefully for the snow.  For many travellers this was their first sighting of snow falling.

Back at the hotel after our guided nature walk. The bear spray was not needed, but there was plenty of wildlife and evidence of bears having climbed the trees.

The Main Street in Banff is named Banff Avenue, which is full of tourists, gift shops, and Aussie shop attendants. At every ski lift you can be guaranteed of finding an Aussie worker in charge.  The snow cat operators, waiters and baggage attendants and many other tourist jobs are predominantly Australians.

The views from the village are amazing.  In every direction mountains tower up to 5000 feet above street level.

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