Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 16 - On Board the Coral Princess.

Embarkation commenced at 11.00 am, we found Internet access and then prepared for the fire drill at 3.45 pm.  The ship left Vancouver at 5.00 pm.  We wandered through this vast maze of bars, pools, musicians and groups of people having a fun time.  There are 14 floors above the waterline, we are on floor 10.      2000+ people on board but not crowded, plenty of entertainment and many restaurants. We sail all night tonight and tomorrow then we start the on shore activities.
We will do a discovery tour tomorrow and see what other gems we find, until then a few photos.

So many levels, so many shops and so many bars.

One of the entertainment venues.

15 degrees and kids in the pool !

Enjoying the sights

Only six metres to spare when passing under the bridge at Vancouver 

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