Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 26 - Bora Bora

Woke to a beautiful morning after some rain over night.  A quick dip in the pool and off to search out the culinary delights of the day.   Went to the Italian restaurant last night, just amazing how they can produce such an array of choices.  Impossible to eat the three courses on this extravagant menu.
What is stated on the menu is sometimes not available, depending on whether the supply ship has arrived. 

At Vaitope yesterday the lunch menu was only partly available and often there is a shortage of petrol for a week or so.  Most locals store fuel at home so they can get to work when there is a shortage.  Those living in town are unfazed by the unavailability of some foods because shortages are common being way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Very attractive lily pond in the main building.

Overwater bungalows are popular but small and a long walk to the restaurants.

What about the pink chairs at the Italian restaurant !!!  The sand floor was a good look.

I think Judy is about as relaxed as one could get.

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