Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 25 - Bora Bora

Porters and other Staff drive small electric cars like golf carts to travel around the paths and across bridges in the resort.

Our package here includes a full breakfast and dinner, although we must pay dearly for drinks. Most are double the cost at home !!

If you close your eyes and then open them, the view here is like being presented with a gigantic breathtaking coloured postcard!!

Today we travelled into the only town on Bora Bora (Vaitope) by boat which took 30 mins.  This town depends on tourism for the livelihood of the occupants (about 10,000 people).  It is a rather grubby town with no footpaths, and a few simple stores.  There are lots of shops selling black pearls of various different qualities.  

In a pearl store we met an interesting man from Sydney.  He is of Scottish/English/Welch extraction with a Tahitian mother, and has married a Japanese wife.  He has lived here for more than 10 years and was able to answer many of our questions about Tahiti and Bora Bora in particular.  Employment figures are quite good.  There are few roads, yet everyone has at least one or two cars.  There is some stealing and alcoholism, but little or no drug use.  

Caught the boat back at 4.45 pm.

View of our terrace, showing table setting, personal pool, and relaxing lounges.

A better view of our pool.

Looking over our pool to the lagoon.

Brian's feet, relaxing in our hammock.  Tough life over here !

On the left, the jetty from which the boat departed.

In town on the Main Street there is a shop selling intimate items right next to the church. The story is that you buy first then head next door to confess.

Departing the town to return to Le Meridien.

1 comment:

  1. I think you finally would have thawed out here after Canada & Alaska!
