Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 17 - Sailing to Alaska

We have been sailing through very calm seas with hardly any movement on the ship.  It is very relaxing, the service is excellent and there is a choice of restaurants for every meal.
The onboard range of activities is overwhelming including everything from ice carving to Zumba classes and carpet bowls to many lectures on wildlife and the glaciers. In the evening the choices include cinema, live shows, dancing, the casino or live artists at various bars.
Whale spotting has been a popular activity with many quite close to the ship.
Tonight is one of two formal nights for dinner, which is a change from the layers of clothing we have been wearing up until now.
It will take almost two days to get from Vancouver to Juneau.  This is the capital city of Alaska and is only assessable by air or sea.

The pilot has been on board all night and this morning at 8.00 am he was collected and taken back to the mainland.  This is where the whales were spotted following us alongside the ship.

Have not had a chance to get a photo of the ship so far so here is a post card to give you some idea of the size.

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