Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 19 - Skagway

We went to bed in Juneau last night and woke up in Skagway.  Today started out foggy and chilly, but like yesterday (21c degrees) it cleared to a sunny and relatively warm day.  

Skagway is a very old gold mining town, with quaint streets and tiny shopfronts for a range of gift shops, jewellery shops, pubs, churches, eateries, a visitors' centre, and a railway station.

We had booked a dog sled ride prior to the trip, but we're very disappointed to learn that it was on dirt and pulled by a four wheel drive vehicle.  Fortunately we were able to cancel and receive a refund.  We walked into town and did a reconnoitre of this small town instead.  

This ship is quite large and it is easy to become disoriented when changing levels or moving along a deck.  2.8 laps of the promenade deck (open air) = one mile.  

Russia is only 30 miles away.  USA paid $7.2 mill in 1867 to acquire Alaska from Russia.

Canadians refer to the US States below the 49th parallel as "48 below".  

Crew safety drill with life boats this morning.

 Painting maintenance whilst berthed.

The Coral Princess from the stern end, berthed at Skagway.

Train line to the Yukon Valley.

Train from Skagway to White Hills follows the river valley.

Nimble and sure footed mountain goats.

A view over Skagway.

The cabins look rather high! 

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