Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 14 - Kamloops to Vancouver

This was our second day on the Rocky Mountaineer, travelling through a range of differing countryside. Much of the route was along side the Fraser River and through many, many tunnels.  From time to time the train needed to stop to give way to extremely long cargo trains carrying containers either from west to east or east to west of Canada. Some of these trains had up to 200 carriages and were up to 2.5 kilometres long. Cars had to wait for up to 30 minutes at level crossings.
 For much of the journey the Fraser River was a raging torrent of silt-laden swirling whirlpools.  As the river became more placid through the Fraser Valley, we viewed very green agricultural land where 90% of Canada's foods are produced.

I have not yet mentioned that the precipitation which falls in British Columbia flows into many other rivers and eventually ends up in one of three oceans - Pacific, Atlantic, or Arctic.

Vancouver is a bustling and busy city,  with bridges, overpasses, train lines, and freeways which put Melbourne to shame as far as infrastructure is concerned.

The following photos have been taken from the Rocky Mountaineer today.  Our view is that you really need to do this trip yourself to appreciate the countryside as these photos do not do it justice.

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