Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 28 - Beginning the trip home

Time to head home.  Overnight was a wild storm with heavy rain and strong winds, and we are almost out of Vegemite!!

Packing today, then departing by boat late morning tomorrow to Bora Bora airport then fly to Papeete where we will stay the night for a very early start the next morning.  We fly to Auckland, meet long lost friends Ross and Beatrice for lunch and then depart for Melbourne at 5.30 pm.

This has been an amazing journey with variety, scenery, extremes of temperatures and great culture at every stop.  We have been in trains, planes, buses, boats, snow cats, gondolas, a large ship, ski lifts and many walking trails.  We have seen grisly bears, black bears, moose, elk, beavers, bald eagles, hump back whales, deer, mountain goats, long horn sheep, turtles, lobsters and many types of fish and birds.

Judy has had the best time, kept up with the pace and enjoyed many happy encounters. She has made new friends from Australia- this trip is near the best we have experienced thanks all to our travel agent.  

This may be the last blog for this trip, but watch this space as we are off to Europe for 8 weeks on June 12th.
For those who are not bored with following us around, I can give the details of this next blog if you email me. 
Thank you all for the daily emails to keep us in touch with home.   We have had a good run with wifi, and hope the next trip is as easy to access.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the fab updates guys. So glad you both had such a great time on this trip. I do my best to top each trip you do and you really have been going to such amazing places in recent years. Love to you both and see you in a couple of days xxx
