Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 22 - At Sea

Today we are cruising through the inside passage back to Vancouver.  Tomorrow morning we disembark quite early when a bus will take us to the airport for an afternoon flight to continue our adventurous travels.

Everything about the ship was excellent apart from the rude and unfriendly Asian passengers (mostly Japanese).  As seems to be the usual situation, our cases are bulging even though the number of items contained therein is the same.  Have yet to sort out what to do with my hiking boots!  

Have not yet mentioned that Canads's national animal is the beaver.  There are beaver hats, gloves, soft toys, and other parafinalia everywhere in the gift shops.

Not sure when we will next have access to WiFi.

All aboard for Vancouver.


  1. Thanks for all the fantastic blog updates and photos. Happy travels. Next stop Tahiti! xxx

  2. I know the Canadians love beaver, who doesn't I didn't know it was their national animal.
